Why we think blackout curtains are a good idea

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We never used to intentionally design our environment, but after reading the Atomic habits by James Clear, we started taking our lives into our own hands.

We wanted to start our own blog, study enough to pass our university exams and better other areas of our lives. Soon after we figured that sleep is of course a valuable component in all of the areas we wanted to improve so we started taking better care of it.

In our bedroom we have a huge window - 3m x 2m. That means that our room was never very dark - which interferes with the quality of sleep we were getting. At first we didn't want to spend extra money on curtains - which we never liked in the first place but then we decided to just try out this concept with a huge blanket that we set up as our curtains.

We saw a tremendous difference in the quality of our sleep and on the weekends we could sleep in without waking up early due to a very bright bedroom. Naps are way more efficient as well. And with that, blackout curtains ended on our shopping list and are on their way now. Even though we had a pretty big window to start with, the curtains were very cheap - 22 euros.

So how about it? Will you give blackout curtains a go as well? If you don't like the idea of spending money on them asap, just try a big blanket that covers your entire window and see if that brings any change into your life.