Why take notes in the form of questions?

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In the book How to become a straight A student, the author suggests a different way of taking notes.

Notes should be in the form of questions.

It often happens that during a lecture, the professor asks a question. And these questions almost always appear on the test. Professors already know in advance what they consider most important about their subject and emphasize it in this way.

Our goal is therefore to record the question that the professor asks. Then we write down the key information and the answer to the question that the professor gives in the explanation. When the professor doesn't provide a question, it's our job to figure it out from the explanation. If we happen to miss it, we just clearly mark that the question is missing and we can complete it at the end of the lecture or during studying.

The notes are then in the form of question/evidence/conclusion. Such notes are perfectly linked to the best way of learning - testing.

We need a question that clearly directs our learning, a short answer, and data that supports that answer. If the test requires only short answers, such as multiple choice, we have it clearly in front of us. If testing takes the form of an oral exam or essay questions, we can expand the explanation with data that supports the answer and thus present our knowledge.

With this method of note-taking, we save ourselves a lot of work during studying. If we already capture the information the way we want to learn it at the beginning, we get rid of the very time-consuming task of searching through unguided notes, books, and other materials. We quickly realize which questions we can't answer well enough and can supplement them purposefully. At the same time, we don't waste time learning unnecessary material.

So, to summarize:

Why should notes be in the form of questions?

  1. Because the questions will be on the test and we have immediate answers to them.
  2. Because we can easily add them to Anki.
  3. Because testing is the best way of learning, and the professor gives us the questions during his lecture.