What happens if we are 1% better every day?

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In this article, author James Clear briefly explains what happens if we improve ourselves by 1% every day.

Often, we set big goals that we want to achieve quickly. In the end, it all becomes too much at once and we can become angry, disappointed, or burned out. Every year, many people join fitness centers because of their New Year's resolutions. At first, they have motivation and persist, but soon after the motivation wanes and they give up. The same thing happens with new diets. We manage to keep up the pace for a few days or weeks, but sooner or later, we can't take it anymore.

If we focused on the process, on everyday life, instead of big goals, we could achieve much more. If we improved ourselves by 1% every day, we would be 37 times better by the end of the year than we were at the beginning.

There’s a nice proverb on this topic:

"Slow and steady wins the race." - from persistent small work, big things are created.