We learn from our mistakes

New post

We learn from our mistakes.

Often we have desires and ambitions that we don't pursue because we are afraid of failure.

None of us knew how to walk at the beginning of our lives. But we tried again and again, falling and getting up until we succeeded.

The same goes for creating new things. At first, we are beginners. The goal is not for the first thing we do to be perfect. The goal is to play, to approach things with enthusiasm like children do when they explore the world through play. By trying, by playing, by failing, we gain experience.

This post is an example of such a game. It is beginner-level and could be better. Someone who has been writing for longer could change a thousand things in this text and make something better. But for us, it's a game and fun at the moment. If we persist, we can look back at it in a year and find many improvements ourselves. In five years, even more, and in ten, even more.