Studying should be fun??
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Studying is often associated with unpleasant feelings in our minds. Many of us remember phrases such as "Go study!" "Study!" "Why aren't you studying?" that we hear from our parents and teachers. Rarely does anyone tell us how to approach it.
One approach that has helped us is to make studying fun and enjoyable. At first, this may sound impossible. Learning will always be somewhat difficult and exhausting to some extent. We cannot avoid that. Our brains are working at full steam, trying to create new connections to place the new knowledge somewhere. Over time, this difficulty can become enjoyable in the same way as athletes enjoy a tough workout or a match against a strong opponent.
Until we reach that point, we can help ourselves by making everything around studying enjoyable. We can create a pleasant space for learning. We can use pens that we like. On the computer, we can set backgrounds that inspire us. We can use programs that we enjoy. We can play music that gives us energy. My favorite is drinking coffee while studying. It's important to try different things and find out what we actually like.
Creating a pleasant environment is not a revolutionary idea. On the internet, we can find many things about beautiful study corners, colorful notebooks, and similar ideas. The only thing we need to be aware of is not to confuse organizing our space, notebooks, etc. with actual learning.
If we want to learn something, we will have to process that material. However, these things can help us to approach studying more easily and enjoy the time we spend on it.
In the end, it's important to remember: If we enjoy something, we will come back to it. If something is unpleasant, we will avoid it.