Our Chrome extensions/add-ons
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This is a list of Chrome extensions we are currently using, with links to each one:
News Feed Eradicator - We use it to disable the first page of Facebook, which are mostly ads and other people's priorities. Additionally, Facebook is known for people using it to create a "highlight reel" of their lives, often posting only the highlights (special achievements, trips to exotic places, etc.), which is far from a reflection of real life. However, their posts give us the feeling that we are missing out on something, which is not necessarily true. This extension completely eliminates these feelings by hiding the daily posts of others that give us the feeling that our life is not as good.
DF Tube (Distraction Free for YouTube™) - We have it set up to not show us the home page, where YouTube recommends videos, and we only use the Subscriptions category, where we have selected channels that guide us towards the life we want to live. You can find more about the channels we follow here.
BlockSite: Block Websites & Stay Focused - We use it to block websites that are not helpful or that take up a lot of our time without contributing to our lives.
Adblock Plus - free ad blocker - We use it to remove ads so that desires for new items that we don't actually need don't enter our lives.
LastPass: Free Password Manager - We use it for easy password storage.