How can I tame my computer?

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When was the last time you used a computer? Probably less than 24 hours ago. Computers have become fundamental tools for many tasks. They can do an infinite number of things, better than we ever could ourselves. When we add the internet, we create a miracle. At the same time, they are also one of the main ways to relax. This creates a problem.

If they can do anything, anytime, how can we focus on work? We all know this feeling - we have notes opened or Word for a paper we should be writing. But in the meantime, we are drawn to other things. Without noticing, we somehow open Chrome and 15 minutes disappear as we read news or watch the latest video that appeared in our subscriptions. Or we look at photos posted by friends and other people we follow.

So we are fighting two battles simultaneously. The first is that we have to focus on work, which can be demanding and exhausting. Even in the best circumstances, it's hard to stay focused. The second battle is that we have to resist all the pleasant temptations that exist on the computer. For our parents, the main temptation is news and email. Many colleagues regularly opened Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We were most often tempted by computer games. So we could quickly lose a few hours of the day by saying, "let's just play one more game." It took a while before we found a way to resist that temptation. But in the end, we did.

As a solution, we created two profiles on the computer. We developed the idea from three sources:

The first is the video Spaceship You by CGP Grey

The other two are ideas that we often use in life:

I. "Use motivation to create systems."  an idea that James Clear often writes about.

II. "Make one decision that removes one hundred decisions." - Tim Ferriss

So we created user profiles "Creation Station" and "Recreation Station." On Creation Station - the place to create - we have all the tools that help us work. Here we have access to all programs, notes, other materials, and the internet. Everything we need for work. All the websites that could tempt and distract us are blocked in Chrome. Facebook, YouTube, and others are disabled. If we used them, we would also place Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, news, and all similar sites on that list. All ads are also blocked. We use this browser to help us work and nothing else.

Recreation Station - the place to relax - is the opposite of that. Here we have all the things we like to relax with. Movies, series, games, YouTube, favorite websites, and much more. But we don't have any tools available. This profile is intentionally created only for relaxation. We cannot work here. There are no programs, notes, or anything similar. If we decide we want to create something, we have to switch back to Creation Station. This created a strong boundary between work and relaxation.

Sometimes profiles are also time-limited. In the morning, Creation Station is available, while Recreation is locked. This makes it easier for us to start the day with the most important task. In the evening, when it's time to relax, Creation Station is locked, while Recreation Station is available. This continues until the computer automatically shuts down at bedtime, at which point both profiles are locked. These limitations can change over time. Sometimes we have periods where we strictly separate this time, while at other times we have no limitations.

However, there is always a clear boundary between the profile for creating and the one for rest. This way, when it's time to work, we can work undisturbed. When it's time to relax, we can forget about our obligations and recharge.


Spaceship you - CGP Grey

Make one decision that eliminates a hundred decisions - Tim Ferriss

Use motivation to create systems - James Clear