Find your own corner in nature
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We live in a very fast paced society. Stress, anxiety and depression are more present than ever. So don't forget to take a moment that's just for you, out in nature. Find your own corner where you can no longer hear or see the pace and workings of the city. Just by sitting there in silence or on a stroll with your favorite person, you will see that nature has it's own pace. A slow and steady pace, that soothes us.
We live in a city and during the COVID pandemic we were very limited to where we could actually go. We used to go on trips in nature and couldn't really find a space for us in the city. So we had to find a spot in nature, where the city is no longer visible or heard. We opened up Google Maps and found a narrow road leading into the forest. A road that we have never been to yet. We investigated the area and it was perfect. A wonderful forest with a dirt road access.

Ever since we found it we visit the area at least a few times a week and it's always really relaxing and peaceful. The nearby houses even have chickens and sheep which are a joy to watch.
One of the things we decided to do to make it even more likely that we’ll want to go on walks, was reducing the friction of getting there. When we first started taking these walks, we automatically started taking out the trash and doing other chores as we were leaving the apartment. Soon we noticed we were facing more resistance when thinking about going on a walk, because we started associating chores with it. So we made a conscious decision to only go for a walk, and ignoring the chores, even if it’s not the most optimal way of doing things, just so it would be easier for us to go. Going outside was the ultimate goal, so anything that was standing in the way of that was removed. Reducing friction worked great for us, and we find ourselves going on a walk almost every single day.
How do you feel in nature? Do you feel calmer and less anxious? Do you already have your own corner in nature?